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How to comb short hair for men

Posted by Sharique SEOTONIC on

If you have short hair, then you know how annoying it can be when friends ruffle it. There’s this stereotypical thought that it’s okay to ruffle a person’s short hair because… it’s short. 

Combing shorter hair is easy and quick, but it’s not all that matters. How you do it, and the type of comb you use are two major hair-splitting factors we’re going to look at today. 

Here’s the type of hair that men have, ranging from long to short. 

Longer hair 

  • Long, straight, thick hair & long, straight, thin hair
  • Long, curly, way hair / long, curly, coiled hair / long, curly, kinky hair 

Shorter hair 

  • Short, straight and thick hair & short, straight and thin hair
  • Short, curly, wavy hair / short, curly, coiled hair / short, curly, kinky hair 

In today’s blog, we’re going to explore combing short hair. 

How to comb short hair for men 

Now, you might wonder how men with short hair can develop knots in their hair. It’s the way you comb your hair. So, a lot of men with short hair complain about their hair getting tangled during combing. 

We recommend not simply pass a comb from the front of your forehead all the way to the back. You don’t want to do this, especially if you have a specific haircut or if you’ve used a product to set your hair in place. In doing so, you might affect the hold of the product, and the structure of your hairstyle will change too. 

There are regular hair-cutting combs that are larger. This comb is divided into two sections along the spine. Half the section has wider teeth apart from each other, while the other half has teeth spaced closer to each other. The type of layers produced will depend on which side of the comb you use. 

Combing from the sides will help create the layers that you need. Also, if your hair is not cut correctly, you won’t get a satisfying result even after combing your hair. 

There’s also the wide-tooth comb that helps get through knotted hair. This comb is helpful for those who get knots in their hair.  

Men are used to getting into a routine and do not like straying from it. But, guess what, you’re going to have to adapt to change.  

Have you ever tried ultra-fine men's pocket combs that are made from stainless steel? Try using it and see the difference? 

Pocket combs and wide-toothed combs are good for short hair. We recommend our male clients try the thin hair comb to reduce hair loss, which is pretty much men's pocket combs. 

You get two other benefits with these combs. They reduce hair breakage, hair loss, and damage. The ultra-fine spacing in these combs is ideal for thin or silky fine hair. 

These combs help stimulate blood circulation, improving hair growth.  

Short hair is the most convenient of all hairstyles. However, short hair does not mean that you ignore its health and upkeep from time to time. So, comb it right to get the perfect hair health. Visit our men's comb catalog to browse through the collections; we hope you find the right one for you.


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