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Long and healthy hair tips for guys

Posted by Sharique SEOTONIC on

Some women find men with long hair truly attractive. Yet again, it doesn’t come naturally to men. Their struggle with long hair is as much a challenge as it is for women. 

If you have long hair and you want to maintain its shine and attractiveness, you’ve come to the right page. 

There are a significant number of steps to take to maintain long hair, so sit back with a digital notepad. It’s about to get hairy! 

Tips for growing healthy and long hair for men

 You’re going to have to put these practices into your daily routine. We could add that men with long and maintained hair might be a bit more disciplined. Anyway, moving ahead! 

  • Use long hair combs – Men combs are available in the market too. Long hair combs like those sold by Doctor Hair can be used by men too. Check out the dual-spaced comb with superior hair detangling technology. Selecting the comb appropriate for your hair is essential to the process of combing your hair. 
  • Warm oil massage – Condition your hair with warm oil like coconut, argon, or olive oil. This scalp massage helps condition as well as stimulates hair growth—massage for up to 10 minutes. You can take a shower ten minutes later and feel as fresh as ever. 
  • Use a deep hair conditioner – If you have damaged hair, it won’t grow smoothly as healthy hair strands. Use a deep conditioner to repair damaged hair follicles and enhance the growth rate of your hair. 
  • Rinse hair with apple cider vinegar – If you want to grow your hair longer and more robust, mix three parts apple cider vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle. After shampooing your hair, spray your hair with the mixture, leave for a couple of minutes, and then rewash your hair. 
  • Use a hair mask – Whip up an egg white with aloe vera to stimulate hair growth and make your hair grow healthier. Leave this mixture on your hair for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse it out with cold water. 
  • Coldwater is a must – Yes, cold showers are uncomfortable, but let your body temperature settle with it until you can take a full-blown cold shower only while washing your hair. Always use cold water during showers, but why? Hot showers will lead to brittle hair that is prone to more damage. Coldwater traps the moisture and stops hair drying. Also, cold water closes the hair shaft and retains moisture. 
  • No styling tools or chemicals – As much as you can, avoid using hot tools like hair styling tools, blow dryers, and flat irons. Also, try not to use hair dyes and relaxers on your hair. These can damage your hair; make it appear frizzy and dull. Always allow your hair to air-dry after washing it under the shower. 
If you are looking for the perfect long and healthy hair, we offer the best technology-backed men combs. Check our long hair combs catalog to know more about the pricing and the styles appropriate for your look.


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