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6 Best-Selling Combs for the Most Common Hair Types and Problems

Posted by Sharique SEOTONIC on

Combs are vital accessories for styling and managing your hair. However, finding the right comb for your hair type can often be quite a nightmare. There are so many types of combs that it gets hard to figure out which one you need.

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Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Your Hair Type

Posted by Sharique SEOTONIC on

Hair is a vital part of one's style statement. The style, cut, and color they choose for their hair can speak volumes about their personality. The hair type of a person can influence all these styling decisions. This comprehensive list of FAQs can help answer all your queries.

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How to comb short hair for men

Posted by Sharique SEOTONIC on

If you have short hair, then you know how annoying it can be when friends ruffle it. There’s this stereotypical thought that it’s okay to ruffle a person’s short hair because… it’s short.  Combing shorter hair is easy and quick, but it’s not all that matters. How you do it, and the type of comb you use are two major hair-splitting factors we’re going to look at today.  Here’s the type of hair that men have, ranging from long to short.  Longer hair  Long, straight, thick hair & long, straight, thin hair Long, curly, way hair / long, curly, coiled...

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Long and healthy hair tips for guys

Posted by Sharique SEOTONIC on

Some women find men with long hair truly attractive. Yet again, it doesn’t come naturally to men. Their struggle with long hair is as much a challenge as it is for women.  If you have long hair and you want to maintain its shine and attractiveness, you’ve come to the right page.  There are a significant number of steps to take to maintain long hair, so sit back with a digital notepad. It’s about to get hairy!  Tips for growing healthy and long hair for men  You’re going to have to put these practices into your daily routine. We could...

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10 Hair Mistakes hair experts want you to stop making

Posted by Diana Bledsoe on

10 mistakes hair experts want you to stop making From daily styling to treating grey hair, this is what Trichologists want you to know about optimum hair health. BY EMMA-LOUISE PRITCHARD, Good HouseKeeping  It can be easy to let our healthy hair habits slip. And, when it comes to daily styling, managing greys, dying and brushing, there are a few hair mistakes the experts want us to stop making. We spoke to Trichologist Anabel Kingsley, from Philip Kingsley, to get the lowdown on what we need to know about keeping our hair healthy and strong. Use the right brush Hair cuticles help keep...

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